About Us

Why Estate Crate?
Estate Crate was born out of the need to provide a solution for our parents and grandparents as they were getting older.
We were no longer living close to our parents, and wanted to put together a guide to help them keep track of all the assets, services, contacts and crucial information they had accumulated over the years.
And after experiencing the role of being an Executor of an estate, that was in complete disarray, we knew we could create a solution that would help families all across the country be more organized throughout their daily lives, and more prepared for the eventuality of when they or a family member pass on.
We came up with the Estate Crate as a way to help owners, and Executors manage their daily lives and roles more easily.
Bonnie S.
"Its incredible! I immediately filled it out and bought a second one for my husband and will be getting one for each of the kids this Christmas!"
Bill A.
"A friend of ours showed us their Estate Crate after her husband had passed. She told us that if her husband had not put his together, she would have been lost without it after he died. We knew right then and there we had to get ourselves each one. I look at it and review the information monthly."
Page Y.
"I've never felt comfortable storing my information online... This package, and the quick list are exactly what I had been looking for, for so long. Thank you!"